Cosmoverse Arkestra (2020), dir. Transälien

Interview with artist Transälien about the movie “Cosmoverse Arkestra”, dealing with themes such as science, fiction and Afrofuturism. Published in “Zanzalá – The Brazilian Journal for SF Studies”. You can download this interview here (available only in portuguese), and see the movie here.

The sorcerer’s hat: do-it-yourself science as sociotechnical controversy

Article written and presented at 17 ESOCITE BR, in the working group “Peripherality and subalternity in the production of knowledge”. In the article, I made an ethnographic analysis of the participation of the University of São Paulo team in the 2016 IGEM international genetic engineering competition. You can download this article here (available only in … Read moreThe sorcerer’s hat: do-it-yourself science as sociotechnical controversy

The sorcerer’s hat: artifacts, apprentices and apprenticeships from a (bio)hacker scientific making

This dissertation aims to closely follow (bio) hacker practices beaconed by political guidelines of opening and democratization, carried out at first within the University of São Paulo, a “traditional” research institution, but integrating networks and building alliances that enlarge and thicken the actors and places authorized to engage scientific practices. It is na experimental ethnographic … Read moreThe sorcerer’s hat: artifacts, apprentices and apprenticeships from a (bio)hacker scientific making

New Moon

Visual essay produced from an experiment using my menstrual blood translated from a microscope built by my friends and I that uses a cell phone camera aplied with a laser pointer lens. This relationship came about thanks to my master’s research, ethnographing the encounter between hacker practices and scientific practice, thinking of it as tactics … Read moreNew Moon

The cybernetic science of the dead: science fiction as an artifact and document in wax or the discovery of television among bees.

This book chapter was written in collaboration with Érico Perrela. The essay has as its central theme the film Wax or the Discovery of Television Among Bees, released in 1991 and directed by artist David Blair. This was the first film transmitted via streaming over the internet, in 1993. We analyze the film as an … Read moreThe cybernetic science of the dead: science fiction as an artifact and document in wax or the discovery of television among bees.

Extraordinary Possibilities

Visual essay on the intense presence of the plant “Espada de São Jorge” in my neighborhood. Published on Art and Identity Policies. You can see and download the full essay in portuguese here, or see and download a english version below. Reche, C. (2021). Extraordinárias possibilidades. Art and Identity Policies, 24, 166–176. Retrieved from